Koca & Ersöz Hukuk Bürosu / Anwaltskanzlei

M.A. Founder, Partner, Attorney at Law, Trademark Attorney, and Mediator

Attorney at Law Melis Ersöz Koca

Av. Melis Ersöz Koca has been working as an attorney since 2008 by the Istanbul Bar Association. She has worked as law intern in different law offices in Turkey and Germany. She is fluent in German and English. She admitted by the Federal Consulate of Germany in Istanbul as a trusted lawyer (Vertrauensanwalt). Melis Ersöz Koca is also registered at the Berlin Bar Association of Germany. She has been working as a Trademark Attorney since 2013 and as a Mediator since 2016.

Foreign Languages: German, English

1999 – 2003 Pertevniyal High School
2003 – 2007 Marmara University Faculty of Law
2007 – 2010 Marmara University Institute of Social Sciences – Privat Law, M.A. Degree: PPPs in the Light of EU and Turkish Law
2010 – Awarded by Ünal Aysal Foundation
2008 – 2009 Köln University
2010 – …. Marmara Üniversitesi Institute of Social Sciences – Privat Law, Ph.D. Pending: EU Inheritance Law Revolution

Founder, Partner, Attorney at Law, Trademark Attorney, and Mediator

Attorney at Law Serhat Koca

Serhat Koca continues his career as a lawyer by the Istanbul Bar Association. In addition to his profession of law, he is a Mediator and a Trademark Attorney. He has a good command of English. He has extensive experience especially in commerce law, contract law, real estate and inheritance law. Especially in Europe and the US he has cooperations with several law offices, including Germany. He aims to serve the best service by having the responsibility of both domestic and overseas clients in private law disputes in Turkey.

Foreign Languages: English

1999 – 2003 Kabataş High Schhol
2003 – 2007 Marmara University Faculty of Law
2009 – 2010 RMIT University (REW), Melbourne, Australia


Serhat Koca continues his career as a lawyer by the Istanbul Bar Association. In addition to his profession of law, he is a Mediator and a Trademark Attorney. He has a good command of English. He has extensive experience especially in commerce law, contract law, real estate and inheritance law. Especially in Europe and the US he has cooperations with several law offices, including Germany. He aims to serve the best service by having the responsibility of both domestic and overseas clients in private law disputes in Turkey.

Attorney at Law Serhat Koca

Founder, Partner, Attorney at Law, Trademark Attorney, and Mediator


Av. Melis Ersöz Koca has been working as an attorney since 2008 by the Istanbul Bar Association. She has worked as law intern in different law offices in Turkey and Germany. She is fluent in German and English. She admitted by the Federal Consulate of Germany in Istanbul as a trusted lawyer (Vertrauensanwalt). Melis Ersöz Koca is also registered at the Berlin Bar Association of Germany. She has been working as a Trademark Attorney since 2013 and as a Mediator since 2016.

Attorney at Law Melis Ersöz Koca

M.A. Founder, Partner, Attorney at Law, Trademark Attorney, and Mediator


1985 – Kadıköy High School 1992 – Istanbul University Law Faculty 1993- 2006 – Rechtsberater beim Generalkonsulat Österreich in Istanbul 2006- 2020 – Erfahrung in den größten deutsch-türkischen Anwaltskanzleien in IstanbulShe graduated from Kadıkoy Kız High School in 1985. Afterwards, she successfully completed her LLB at Istanbul University Law Faculty in 1992. She acted as Legal Counsel at Austria Embassy in Istanbul for 13 years, then she worked at reputable law firms especially in the field of Turkish-German affairs. She is also a former president of the Rotary Club, and she actively provides consultancy services in the Foundation.Speciality: International Commercial Law, Contracts Law, Real Estate Law, Inheritance Law


Mehtap Dalay absolvierte in dem Jahr 2012 erfolgreich ihr Abitur am Hildegard von Bingen Gymnasium in Köln. Im Anschluss absolvierte sie erfolgreich die juristische Fakultät der Universität zu Köln und das erste Staatsexamen bei dem Oberlandesgericht Köln. Des Weiteren beendete sie erfolgreich den Deutsch- Türkischen Studiengang der Rechtswissenschaften bei der Universität zu Köln und der Istanbul Altınbaş Universität mit einem vollständigen Stipendium. Seit September 2022 setzt sie ihr Rechtsreferendariat bei der Rechtsanwaltskammer Istanbul fort.2016 – 2022 Faculty of Law, University of Cologne Cologne Higher Regional Court 1st state examination University of Cologne and Altınbaş University. Dual degree program in law (Bachelor of Laws/ LL.B.Cologne) 100% scholarship. 2015-2016 Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University Bonn - Faculty of Law2012-2015 Saarland University - Faculty of Law2010 - 2012 Hildegard von Bingen High School Cologne (Abitur)Mehtap Dalay successfully completed her Abitur at the Hildegard von Bingen Gymnasium in Cologne in 2012. Subsequently, she successfully completed the law faculty of the University of Cologne and the first state examination at the Higher Regional Court of Cologne. Furthermore, she successfully completed the German-Turkish law degree program at the University of Cologne and Istanbul Altınbaş University with a full scholarship. Since September 2022, she has been continuing her legal internship at the Istanbul Bar Association.

Mehtap Dalay

Attorney at Law


2014-2018 Hüseyin Bürge Anadolu High School 2018-2022 Marmara University Faculty of Law After completing his high school education, Canberk Kuncir graduated with honors from Marmara University Faculty of Law in 2022. He continues his legal internship in our office affiliated to the Istanbul Bar Association. Foreign Language: English.

Canberk Kuncir

Attorney at Law


2014 - 2018 Basaksehir Doga College 2018 - 2022 Istanbul University Faculty of Law Zeynep Yanık completed her high school degree at Basaksehir Doga College as the valedictorian in 2018. She graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Law as an honor student in 2022. She has been continuing her legal internship in our office since 2023 as a member of the Istanbul Bar Association. Foreign Language: English

Zeynep Yanik

Attorney at Law

Çağnur Yunuk

Attorney at Law


1985 – 1988 Muratlı High School 1988 – 1992 Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Economy He became Independent Accountant and Financial Advisor in 1999. In 2015, he also got the Independent Auditor Certificate by being affiliated to the Public Oversight Authority by qualifying for the Ankara University Independent Auditor Certificate. Since 1992, he works in many domestic and foreign individuals and corporate capital firms in various sectors; Establishment provides organization structure, Production and Management Planning, Personnel, Accounting, Independent audit, tax refund and tax consultancy services. Within the scope of the Turkish Commercial Code, he provides consultancy services on mergers, divisions, capital increases, capital reductions, investment incentives, tax returns.

Murat Ersöz

Financial Advisor, Independent Auditor

Aybüke İlter

Attorney at Law


Our assistant Gamze Bakır started her career in 2011 after completing her education and worked as an assistant manager in various companies. She plans our office schedules and assists our executive team. She joined the Koca & Ersöz team in 2015.

Gamze Bakır



2010 - 2017, Şeyma Tokuç attended Ludwig-Meyn-High School in Uetersen. She then successfully completed her studies in German Language Teaching at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University from 2019 to 2023.

Şeyma Tokuç

Client Services Coordinator


Meryem Ürün graduated from the Faculty of Law at Kadir Has University in 2020. After graduation, she gained professional experience in her field. After moving to Germany, she studied German and then started working at Koca Ersöz Law Firm. With a focus on the legal system, Meryem continues to develop her expertise in client relationship management and the coordination of international legal processes.

Meryem Ürün

Client Services Coordinator

For your questions